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8th Wedding Anniversary in Philippines. Slideshow: Reverend’s trip from Liverpool, New South Wales, Australia to Dumaguete, Philippines was created by TripAdvisor. See another Dumaguete slideshow. Create your own stunning slideshow with our free photo slideshow maker.

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Rev Brian & Erlinet Richards in Philippines 2008

Rev Brian & Erlinet Richards in Philippines 2008
Praying and Singing over the food.After receiving our marriage blessings

word for the wise-"Love is perfected by a multitude of words" by George Bernard Shaw.

I wish for you... Comfort on difficult days, Smiles when sadness intrudes, Rainbows to follow the clouds, Laughter to kiss your lips, Sunsets to warm your heart, Gentle hugs when spirits sag, Friendships to brighten your being, Beauty for your eyes to see, Confidence for when you doubt, Faith so that you can believe, Courage to know yourself, Patience to accept the truth, And love to complete your life. I asked the Lord to bless you As I prayed for you today To guide you and protect you As you go along your way.... His love is always with you His promises are true, You know He will see us through. So when the road you're travelling on Seems difficult at best God will do the rest. Your friend Christian love from Erlinet and Reverend Brian Richards.a.i.p.c.[M.A.C.A.]


Yes introducing Erlinet Quizo Richards is a great singer for weddings and accompanies her husband with singing at all the weddings, performed by Reverend Brian Richards, whom is both a Civil Marriage Celebrant and a Religious Marriage Celebrant. This Spiritually gifted couple is a "Dynamic Duo" when working together at weddings and wine and dine for special occasions, and available visits to anywhere in Australia. Contact them now for a free C.D. to be send to you.

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Now this material will truly bless you, with the presence of the Lord Spirit in every word you read. Reverend Brian Richards from the "Word of Faith Ministries International" (Australia) wants you to be blessed as you read his books so for this purpose he has made available an extra book of your choice. It is suggested that you purchase "Whom is a Disciplined Disciple of Lord Jesus Christ" and then you choose to collect "Blow The Last Trumpet In The Remnant Church"

So this is what I want to bless you with my latest book is "Blow The Last Trumpet In The Remnant Church" when you order the set of (3) "Whom is a Disciplined Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ" all you have to do is send me your invoice to brichards22@bigpond.com and I will send a copy of my latest book "Blow The Last Trumpet In The Remnant Church" totally free and postage paid anywhere in the world. That is a total value of $25.00 Totally free when you make one order you get the next order free! You click any where here and make your order NOW!

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Sunday, August 9, 2009

थे duo

Yes introducing Erlinet Quizo Richards is a great singer for weddings and accompanies her husband with singing at all the weddings, performed by Reverend Brian Richards whom is both a Civil Marriage Celebrant and a Religious Marriage Celebrant. This Spiritually gifted couple are a "Dynamic Duo" when working together at weddings and wine and dine for special occasions, and available visits to anywhere in Australia. Contact them now for a free C.D. to be send to you.

About Me

Rev Brian Richards
Taree, New South Wales, Australia
I have been a Missionary for the last 10 years I was originally Ordained 1984 since then I have pioneered many churches and several thousands have come to know Christ through my ministry to them.This is by far the greatest acheivement I have done so far.I am now stationry and settled down with a beautiful young lady from the Philippines. We have a three year old boy named Joshua.SEE MY STORY "The cost of independence" PICK YOURSELF UP AND FOLLOW ME I PROMISE YOU? YOU SHALL PROSPER AND HAVE GOOD SUCCESS. (BIBLE PASSAGE) JOSHUA 1:8 MEDITATE IN MY WORDS, AND OBSERVE TO DO,YOU SHALL PROSPER AND HAVE GOOD SUCCESS. http://mylatestbook.blogspot.com
View my complete profile

"Try not to become a man of success but rather try
to become a man of value." Albert Einstein
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"Who is a disciplined disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ"?
“Who is a disciplined disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ”
all references are King James Version of the Holy Bible translated
out of the original tongues and with previous translations
diligently compared and revised.
This book is written from accumulation of notes how
God has spoken to me over the last 20 years of study.
The inspiration from the Spirit of God compelled me to write
and to continue to write, this book whilst I was convalescing
from a car accident nursing a fracture in my back, through the
whiplash on impact.
I had been very concerned about things that we were hearing in
churches about the so-called faith movement. Even though there
was nothing wrong with the word that is being preached because
it is all scripture. There is something wrong with the delivery
and more importance should be put on the fruit, rather than the
power of the gifts. Yes many writers have said this before,
and it needs to be said again, that sign & wonders should be
following those that believe.
Not the other way around, I see people saying there is
a anointing over here, which makes people roll around the
floor laughing, or miracles happening here and there.
I am not against the miracles or the joy of the Lord However
I think we all can get our eyes of the real fruit of the Spirit
mentioned in Galatians 5:22- this is the fruit we should
be looking for.
If we hear people claiming to have outstanding miracles in
their life, but they are still sinning like an unsaved person
there is something wrong. I was a drunk 25 years ago and got
filled with the new wine of the Holy Ghost this was a miracle
because I never drank like an alcoholic again.
The fruit of the Holy Spirit is evident in my life still
from the touch of the master’s hand; 25 years later one touch
from God changed my life forever.
I have observed that the Faith movement as we know it,
has been confused with other things, and Satan has taken
full advantage of this time of whilst young Christians have
been battered, and alluded into something that is not of God.
The charismatic people have been drawing people, and
counterfeiting the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Some of these
church leaders have waited so long for the move of God that
they have embraced the charismatic ways that is going on now,
not realising that they too have been eluded away from the real
signs & wonders of God. The God that I know always, always,
always shows his fruit in a person’s life if a real miracle
has taken place. I have talked to Christians that say they
are sorry they ever got involved with the Church for one reason
or another, well that is not the fruit of the Spirit.
There should be always a love for God that no one can
take away (Romans 8:35) tribulation, or distress, or persecution,
or famine, or peril, or sword? In all these things we are
more than conquerors, no power present, or to come,
will be able to take the true believer from the love of God,
which is Christ Jesus our Lord, this is the fruit we should
be looking for.
The miracle power of God we received a long time ago folks
so walk yea in him. In Him we live, in Him we move, in Him
we have our being. What Greater miracle can there be that
cannot be counterfeited. I can see that there has been taught
old things are past away and all things have become new!
And now we are to call those things that be not as though
they really are. O course that is what the word of God says’
after all. Yes but there is a right way and a wrong way of
application of this faith, some people I know expect a magic
formula to set them free from their sticky past with-out
doing any work themselves. I praise God for that if it
happened that way for you, but I have talked to thousands
of people about this in deliverance. If some one wanted to
start a church and say, “healing of the memories seminar
to night” he would fill any building! People want the magic
without any effort on their part; deliverance doesn’t come
from the touch of the pastor’s hand or the stroke of a pen.
It come’s from obedience to scripture and repentance is
always required. There has to be a turning away from old ways,
old thoughts, deeds, and actions, and then true deliverance comes.
Yes God will hasten his word to perform a miracle
of deliverance, if we can hasten our repentance
from dead works. However most of the people I have
spoken too, it took a working out of something that
God had worked into our lives. (Philippians 2:12-13)
God works in you whilst YOU work out your own salvation
with fear and trembling. Satan has tricked people all
over the world in an expression that people say here
in Australia forget it mate’ she’ll be right.
Satan wants you to try to forget things by sweeping
them under the carpet and years later when they show
their ugly head we say well wonder where that came from.
It was UN-confessed, UN-repented sin that is where it
came from, and was allowed to grow, now it has become
a strong hold that the devil is using to keep a person
in bondage, and now needs deliverance.
God spoke to me and gave me Teaching and summons,
that I said why Lord, why am I having all these
wonderful teachings and summons. The Lord said this
is what I want you to put into a book; the book is
called “Who is a disciplined disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ?”
This is first written for my benefit. As I was much of
the time depressed over my afflictions, I have still not heard,
from the driver who slammed into the back of me at an
estimated speed 130klms per hour.
I am alive to day by the grace of God,
and whilst being in a bad state of depression God
started to speak to me in a way that I had not known
before. He said all what you have ever learned about
over coming, being victorious in this life you have to
put into practice now. So whilst I had time on my hands
I enrolled into University to study the Bachelors of
Social Sciences, but this did not satisfy the hunger
I had in my soul, and my heart to improve my self and
to get well. So by seeking God further than I had ever
gone before through desperation the Lord started to wake
me up at night and give summons and me teaching.
I got that way that I would not go
to bed knowing that if I did I would have to get up
again to write down what the Lord was talking to me about.
I spent many hours at night just writing down what the
Lord gave me to write, sometimes until 5 & 6 o’clock
in the morning I would go to bed for a couple hours
before going about my day.
With Doctors appointments and Physiotherapy, and
hydrotherapy this kept me very busy and exhausted
most of the time for the first two years. The tittle
of this book and the purpose of writing it is that
I could see the superficial so called Christian by
name only. However not really disciplined in the
word of God at all.
I thought and indeed still do believe
that a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ,
is one whom is disciplined and obedient to His word.
My heart cry is that by writing this book, which it
will bring, the right correction, and direction to the
reader who wants to live an overcoming, victorious
Christian life for God. Hence comes the title
Written by [REV} Brian Richards.m.a.i.p.c.[M.A.C.A]

MATHTEW 2:9- Here we see the leading of the Lord by way of a star,
that the wise men followed and the leading of the Lord by an angel
in a dream also Joseph later had a n inner witness not to go back
after fleeing into Egypt he did not go back to Bethlehem he went
to Nathereth to settle down there. So come the name Jesus of
Nazareth, even though Jesus was not a Nazarene.1 Timothy 3:5
the discipline we need in the Lord starts from our own house hold,
if we can’t rule over our own house how do we rule a church?
John 8:31-32 we have all heard many times the truth will set
you free.
However when we really look into what the Lord Jesus was saying,
He said If you continue in my word, then are you my disciples
indeed; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make
you free. We see by this that it is not truth that makes you free
but it is the truth you know that will make you free.
This knowing of truth only comes by if you continue in the
word of God, and get to know the author of the book. Hence
comes a true story from Carole Mayhall she came into precession
of a book that she could not get interested in after the first
couple of chapters, so she put the book away on the book shelf
and left it there never did read it. Later she went on a cruise
and on this cruise she met a man and falling in love with him,
and contemplating marriage. She said to this man how strange
I have a book on my book shelf and the author of the book is
the same name, He answered and said my dear Carole that is not
so strange, I am the Author of that book &
not ask what she thought of the book, as Carole did not read as yet!
Carole could not wait any longer as the cruise was over she
quickly fled to her book shelf to get the book that had gathered
dust by now and Carole read the book from cover to cover twice
and found it to be the most interested book she had EVER read.
Now what had changed why did Carole find the book more
interesting now? The answer is obvious Carole is in love
with the Author. The Holy Bible should be the same way to
us if we are in love with the Author of the Bible then it
will be so easy to digest and understand. JOHN 12: 26-if
any man serves me, let him follow me; where I am there shall
also my servant be: However the prerequisite for this is
the understanding that we have to be like the germ of wheat
that dies, before we shall produce fruit. When we are
willing and indeed die to our own selfish desires and
worldly lust then and only then can we expect the rest
of what Jesus said here. If any man serves me, him will
my father honour.
We have to note what all these scriptures have in
common with each other that there id a discipline, and
conditions to follow before we can say the Spirit of God
leads us. ROMANS 8:14. Hebrews 10 :38 now the just shall
live by faith: but if any man draws back, my soul shall
have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them who draw
back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the
saving of the soul.
We see by these scriptures firstly that it is Faith that
we are obedient to God, we are justified by faith,
saved by faith, and will continue in the word of God by
faith in the love of God for us. If we are in love with
the one that loves us we shall continue, there is so
much we can say about this scripture, however the point
that caught my interest was the soul the word says
MY SOUL shall have no pleasure in him and [v 39 ……..Says
the saving of the soul, meaning the purging of the conscience Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestined to be
conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be
the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestined, them he also called: and whom he called them he also justified:
and whom he justified them he also glorified.
There is Christian claiming to have sanctification,
justified, and looking for glorification. This has
happened to some that Jesus has already taken away,
like Mosses and Ilisha when they appeared with Jesus
on the mount transfiguration. We cannot have this
Glorification until the love of God is perfected in us,
ROMANS 8:28 And we know that all things work together
for good to them that love God, to them who are the called
according to his purpose. When we are really in love with
Jesus and his word it starts to happen that we receive healing,
Salvation, & deliverance all of which are a small part of
Jesus glorification. I t is part of out inheritance to receive
this Glorification most of us stop at the Salvation, or being
filled with the Spirit of God for the evidence of speaking
of toughs. However this is just the down payment of Salvation,
it is not the full salvation. We have to be disciplined
disciples to receive the full salvation, the bible says
we are saved, we are being saved, and we shall be saved,
meaning it is a progression that we have through a continued
relationship through his word. John 4:24 & Rev 4: 11 God
is a Spirit: we can never understand the deep things of God
unless we are in the same spirit. They that worship must
worship in spirit and in truth. God has created all things
for his pleasure and that includes you and me. Now to develop
self-discipline is to take possession of your mind, and is to
take emotional and instinctive thoughts out of our mind.
For at least until our minds have been trained to be like Christ.
ROM 12:1 &2
I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that
you present you bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable
unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed
to this world: but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect,
will of God. PROV 4:2. I give you good doctrine forsake
you not the law. Our life is shaped on our thoughts and the
words control the thoughts, and thus control our deeds.
James 1:13 –15 Let no man say when he is tempted,
I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil,
neither he tempteth he any man: but every man is tempted when
he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust
hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is
finished, bringeth forth death. So we see by this the thoughts,
the words, and deeds.
Romans 6: 16 know you not; that to whom you yield yourselves
servants to obey his servants you are to whom you obey; whether
sin unto death, or obedience unto righteousness? So we see from
this we are servants to whom ever we yield our members too.
We must become more disciplined to yield our members unto God
and his righteousness. 2.Peter: 1-10 be diligent to make your
calling sure.1Peter 2: 11-21 talks about unstable souls meaning
unstable minds, full of lust and all kinds of evil, this could be
a preacher that has gone wrong. Very serious, these are the false
Prophets and teachers, while they promise liberty they themselves
are servants of corruption: [verse 20] For it after they have escaped
the pollution’s of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ, they again entangled therein, and overcome,
the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had
better for them not to have known it, to turn from the holy commandment
delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them according to the
true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow
that was washed to her wallowing in the mire. This is not just for
preachers and teachers this can happen to anyone. The apostle goes
on here in [chapter 3] here goes on to warn us about having our minds
pure at all times. That you be mindful of the words, which are spoken.
This is a true disciplined disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ, one whom
has his mind and words pure, I stir up you’re your pure minds
by way of remembrance.
Psalm 39:1-4 I SAID, I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not
with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the
wicked is before me. The bridle the psalmist talks about is the
word of God, just like Jesus he went like a lamb to the slaughter
[verse 4] Lord make me to know my end, the man here was not
suicidal as some may suggest. He knew the pride of men and the
measure of our days compared with all eternity. How silly we can
be not to obey the Lord God through his word. No this psalmist
was saying, that I may know how frail I am. That if he was reminded
how fail we are in comparison to the Lord, then it is easy to humble
our self under the mighty hand of the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4 & 12
For this is the will of God, even your Sanctification, that you should
abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to
possess his vessel in Sanctification and honour; [verse 12] That you
may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that you may
have lack of nothing. So we see by these scriptures the Lord God
wants us to like right and to be in full control not to give over
to the lust that is in the world. So we see also there are rewards
for obedience to the Lord [Verse 12] Lack of nothing. As a counsellor
I get to hear both side of the story saying I am not strong in Faith
to do this, to live this way but the Lord has said [we lack nothing]
we don’t lack the strength to do this, we don’t lack nothing. Could
this mean nothing as in anything? I have always seemed to lack some
thing someone might say! Well whatever the lack you think you may have,
when you walk this way in obedience to God’s word you lack nothing.
When we live a concentrated, sanctified life before God then we will
lack nothing, when it comes to the power of God we shall have it at
the time of need. Mark 5: 2-16 Just like Jesus when he cam e to the
man of Gad’ar-enes not only did the evil spirits recognised him,
but knew he had the power in himself to cast them out. You live
a clean life, and the unclean spirit. (To be continued)

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MATHTEW 2:9- Here we see the leading of the Lord by way of a star,
that the wise men followed and the leading of the Lord by an angel
in a dream also Joseph later had an inner witness not to go back
after fleeing into Egypt he did not go back to Bethlehem he went
to Nazareth to settle down there. So come the name Jesus of
Nazareth, even though Jesus was not a Nazarene.1 Timothy 3:5
The discipline we need in the Lord starts from our own house hold,
if we cant rule over our own house how do we rule a church?
John 8:31-32 we have all heard many times the truth will set
you free.
However when we really look into what the Lord Jesus was saying,
He said If you continue in my word, then are you my disciples
indeed; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make
you free. We see by this that it is not truth that makes you free
but it is the truth you know that will make you free.
This knowing of truth only comes by if you continue in the
word of God, and get to know the author of the book. Hence
comes a true story from Carole Mayhall she came into precession
of a book that she could not get interested in after the first
couple of chapters, so she put the book away on the book shelf
and left it there never did read it. Later she went on a cruise
and on this cruise she met a man and falling in love with him,
and concenplating marriage. She said to this man how strange
I have a book on my book shelf and the author of the book is
the same name, He answered and said my dear Carole that is not
so strange, I am the Author of that book &
not ask what she thought of the book, as Carole did not read as yet!
Carole could not wait any longer as the cruise was over she
quickly fled to her book shelf to get the book that had gathered
dust by now and Carole read the book from cover to cover twice
and found it to be the most interested book she had EVER read.
Now what had changed why did Carole find the book more
interesting now? The answer is obvious Carole is in love
with the Author. The Holy Bible should be the same way to
us if we are in love with the Author of the Bible then it
will be so easy to digest and understand. JOHN 12: 26-if
any man serve me, let him follow me; where I am there shall
also my servant be: However the prerequisite for this is
the understanding that we have to be like the germ of wheat
that dies, before we shall produce fruit. When we are
willing and indeed die to our own selfish desires and
worldly lust then and only then can we expect the rest
of what Jesus said here. If any man serve me, him will
my father honour.
We have to note what all these scriptures have in
common with each other that there id a discipline, and
conditions to follow before we can say the Spirit of God
leads us. ROMANS 8:14. Hebrews 10 :38 now the just shall
live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall
have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them who draw
back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the
saving of the soul.
We see by these scriptures firstly that it is Faith that
we are obedient to God, we are justified by faith,
saved by faith, and will continue in the word of God by
faith in the love of God for us. If we are in love with
the one that loves us we shall continue, there is so
much we can say about this scripture, however the point
that caught my interest was the soul the word says
MY SOUL shall have no pleasure in him and [v 39 ……..Says
the saving of the soul, meaning the purging of the conscience Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be
conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be
the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called them he also justified:
and whom he justified them he also glorified.
There is Christian claiming to have sanctification,
justified, and looking for glorification. This has
happened to some that Jesus has already taken away,
like Mosses and Ilisha when they appeared with Jesus
on the mount transfiguration. We cannot have this
Glorification until the love of God is perfected in us,
ROMANS 8:28 And we know that all things work together
for good to them that love God, to them who are the called
according to his purpose. When we are really in love with
Jesus and his word it starts to happen that we receive healing,
Salvation, & deliverance all of which are a small part of
Jesus glorification. I t is part of out inheritance to receive
this Glorification most of us stop at the Salvation, or being
filled with the Spirit of God for the evidence of speaking
of toughs. However this is just the down payment of Salvation,
it is not the full salvation. We have to be disciplined
disciples to receive the full salvation, the bible says
we are saved, we are being saved, and we shall be saved,
meaning it is a progression that we have through a continued
relationship through his word. John 4:24 & Rev 4: 11 God
is a Spirit: we can never understand the deep things of God
unless we are in the same spirit. They that worship must
worship in spirit and in truth. God has created all things
for his pleasure and that includes you and me. Now to develop
self-discipline is to take possession of your mind, and is to
take emotional and instinctive thoughts out of our mind.
For at least until our minds have been trained to be like Christ.
ROM 12:1 &2
I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that
you present you bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable
unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed
to this world: but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect,
will of God. PROV 4:2. I give you good doctrine forsake
you not the law. Our life is shaped on our thoughts and the
words control the thoughts, and thus control our deeds.
James 1:13 –15 Let no man say when he is tempted,
I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil,
neither he tempteth he any man: but every man is tempted when
he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust
hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is
finished, bringeth forth death. So we see by this the thoughts,
the words, and deeds.
Romans 6: 16 know you not; that to whom you yield yourselves
servants to obey his servants you are to whom you obey; whether
sin unto death, or obedience unto righteousness? So we see from
this we are servants to whom ever we yield our members too.
We must become more disciplined to yield our members unto God
and his righteousness. 2.Peter: 1-10 be diligent to make your
calling sure.1Peter 2: 11-21 talks about unstable souls meaning
unstable minds, full of lust and all kinds of evil, this could be
a preacher that has gone wrong. Very serious, these are the false
Prophets and teachers, while they promise liberty they themselves
are servants of corruption: [verse 20] For it after they have escaped
the pollution’s of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ, they again entangled therein, and overcome,
the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had
better for them not to have known it, to turn from the holy commandment
delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them according to the
true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow
that was washed to her wallowing in the mire. This is not just for
preachers and teachers this can happen to anyone. The apostle goes
on here in [chapter 3] here goes on to warn us about having our minds
pure at all times. That you be mindful of the words, which are spoken.
This is a true disciplined disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ, one whom
has his mind and words pure, I stir up you’re your pure minds
by way of remembrance.
Psalm 39:1-4 I SAID, I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not
with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the
wicked is before me. The bridle the psalmist talks about is the
word of God, just like Jesus he went like a lamb to the slaughter
[verse 4] Lord make me to know my end, the man here was not
suicidal as some may suggest. He knew the pride of men and the
measure of our days compared with all eternity. How silly we can
be not to obey the Lord God through his word. No this psalmist
was saying, that I may know how frail I am. That if he was reminded
how fail we are in comparison to the Lord, then it is easy to humble
our self under the mighty hand of the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4 & 12
For this is the will of God, even your Sanctification, that you should
abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to
possess his vessel in Sanctification and honour; [verse 12] That you
may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that you may
have lack of nothing. So we see by these scriptures the Lord God
wants us to like right and to be in full control not to give over
to the lust that is in the world. So we see also there are rewards
for obedience to the Lord [Verse 12] Lack of nothing. As a counsellor
I get to hear both side of the story saying I am not strong in Faith
to do this, to live this way but the Lord has said [we lack nothing]
we don’t lack the strength to do this, we don’t lack nothing. Could
this mean nothing as in anything?I have always seemed to lack some
thing someone might say! Well whatever the lack you think you may have,
when you walk this way in obedience to God’s word you lack nothing.
When we live a concentrated, sanctified life before God then we will
lack nothing, when it comes to the power of God we shall have it at
the time of need. Mark 5: 2-16 Just like Jesus when he cam e to the
man of Gad’ar-enes not only did the evil spirits recognised him,
but knew he had the power in himself to cast them out. You live
a clean life, and the unclean spirit

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Being Married again in Philippines

Being Married again in Philippines
Anouncing Mr & Mrs Erlinet & Brian Richards

Our Visit was all about Mama & Papa Quizo

Our Visit was all about Mama & Papa Quizo
This was a farewell party in Dumaguete City, Negros Island , Philippines.

There was a cake of course I thought i would show this off

There was a cake of course I thought i would show this off
Erlinet the "CAKE" Rev Brian Richards

Receiving a marriage blessing in Philippines

Receiving a marriage blessing in Philippines
Anouncing Mr & Mrs Brian & Erlinet Richards



Party at Bethel for the Farewell

Party at Bethel for the Farewell
Rev Brian, Joshua and Erlinet Richards

A small cowboy please click on the link for a life changing experence!! the most heard video around

A small cowboy please click on the link for a life changing experence!! the most heard video around
click on the most heard audio around the world called "Small Cowboy"

Erlinet is always singing even at home

Erlinet is always singing even at home
Give us a call for your visit?

Brian & Erlinet visiting Port Macquarie

Brian & Erlinet visiting Port Macquarie
very much in love.! click on photo for more info

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tracker and my latest book

Yes introducing Erlinet Quizo Richards is a great singer for weddings and accompanies her husband with singing at all the weddings, performed by Reverend Brian Richards, whom is both a Civil Marriage Celebrant and a Religious Marriage Celebrant? This Spiritually gifted couple is a "Dynamic Duo" when working together at weddings and wine and dine for special occasions, and available visits to anywhere in Australia. Contact them now for a free C.D. to be send to you. Yea money for JAM its an old english expression saying easy money for a disabled person recovery from a car accident was not easy financially. So this was all I could do, and it paid off. It will pay off for you too so click on and leave your name, and we shall get back directly. You can talk to me on the www.skype.com my email is brichards22@bigpond.com this is a free download and free phone calls anywhere you may be in the world, so give it a try. Bye for now my Christian love to you all. Rev Brian Richards. http://www.mylatestbook.blogspot.com

"Bless this house for 2009"

"Bless this house for 2009"
Reverend Brian Richards

marriage notice

BRIAN RICHARDS & ASSOCIATES ABN: 39.326.050.887 Affiliated with “Word of faith Ministries International” POST OFFICE BOX 1116 TAREE NSW 2430 TAREE AUSTRALIA Phone 02 65527055 Fax 02 65512418 Home Phone 02 65512418 Email brichards22@msn.com The 5 guidelines for emotional well being are • Accept your feelings • Know your vulnerabilities • Develop your talents & interests • Become involved with other people • Know when to seek help Your wedding should be everything that you as a couple have ever wanted or dreamed of; after all it will be one of the most important days of your life. Whether you chose to have a traditional ceremony, a more modern ceremony or a small intimate affair, together we can create a beautiful wedding that will reflect you as a couple. With my fresh young approach, I will ensure we can create a ceremony that is relaxed and memorable. From the ceremony design, lodgements of all legal paperwork to all the little special touches, my passion, dedication and attention to detail will ensure that all your needs are met. Legalities Prior to your wedding, I will arrange for the Notice of Intended Marriage to be lodged. This form needs to be completed no less than one month and one day prior to your wedding day, and is valid for 18 months. A Declaration will also need to be signed by both partners stating that there is no legal obstruction to your marriage. On your wedding day, after you have spoken your vows you will both sign your presentation wedding certificate, and two copies of your ‘Official’ marriage certificate. One copy is kept by me in an official registry book from the Australian Government and the other I will send to Birth Deaths and Marriages within 7 days after your ceremony. The following documentation will need to be sighted by me before your paperwork can be lodged. • Birth certificate (originals or extracts only) • Passport, if you are a citizen of a country other than Australia • A Decree Absolute, if you are divorced from a previous marriage • If either of you are under 18, your parent's consent & an order from a magistrate • If you are previously widowed, a death certificate • A statutory declaration if you were born overseas and have lost your documentation • . • REVEREND BRIAN RICHARDS CAN HELP YOU IF YOU DON’T HAVE THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE YET? OR ANY OTHER PAPERS NEEDED FROM THE BIRTH, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES, AT THE ATTORNEY GENERALS DEPARTMENT.

my latest book

Yes introducing Erlinet Quizo Richards is a great singer for weddings and accompanies her husband with singing at all the weddings, performed by Reverend Brian Richards, whom is both a Civil Marriage Celebrant and a Religious Marriage Celebrant? This Spiritually gifted couple is a "Dynamic Duo" when working together at weddings and wine and dine for special occasions, and available visits to anywhere in Australia. Contact them now for a free C.D. to be send to you.

"Bless this house"

"Bless this house"
Call us now for your house Blessing!!!

This Little sweet heart will make money for Jam if you interested?

Yes introducing Erlinet Quizo Richards is a great singer for weddings and accompanies her husband with singing at all the weddings, performed by Reverend Brian Richards, whom is both a Civil Marriage Celebrant and a Religious Marriage Celebrant? This Spiritually gifted couple is a "Dynamic Duo" when working together at weddings and wine and dine for special occasions, and available visits to anywhere in Australia. Contact them now for a free C.D. to be send to you.
8th Wedding Anniversary in Philippines. Slideshow: Reverend’s trip from Liverpool, New South Wales, Australia to Dumaguete, Philippines was created by TripAdvisor. See another Dumaguete slideshow. Create your own stunning slideshow with our free photo slideshow maker.
Yea money for JAM its an old english expression saying easy money for a disabled person recovery from a car accident was not easy financially. So this was all I could do, and it paid off. It will pay off for you too so click on and leave your name, and we shall get back directly. You can talk to me on the www.skype.com my email is brichards22@bigpond.com this is a free download and free phone calls anywhere you may be in the world, so give it a try. Bye for now my Christian love to you all. Rev Brian Richards.

make some extra income using Clickbank

CLICK HERE TO donate (or) PURCHASE MY LATEST BOOK:http://reverendbrian.blogspot.com Yes introducing Erlinet Quizo Richards is a great singer for weddings and accompanies her husband with singing at all the weddings, performed by Reverend Brian Richards, whom is both a Civil Marriage Celebrant and a Religious Marriage Celebrant? This Spiritually gifted couple is a "Dynamic Duo" when working together at weddings and wine and dine for special occasions, and available visits to anywhere in Australia. Contact them now for a free C.D. to be send to you.

Bless you all for 2009

Bless you all for 2009

for donations please use button below

everything is bigger in this land of Australia

everything is bigger in this land of Australia
Come visit us click on the pictures for more!

Erlinet with her "DOG!!!

Erlinet with her "DOG!!!
Erlinet said I had one like this in Philippines (smaller of course)

Home in Australia Erlinet & Brian Richards

Home in Australia Erlinet & Brian Richards
Visiting one of the local beaches called Port Macquire click on the pictures for more!

Brian Erlinet and Joshua at home

Brian Erlinet and Joshua  at home

Time to Go Now

Time to Go Now
Joshua, Brian and Erlinet Richards.

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